The Full Story
Colored Dots Pictures ,Colored Dots Limited is the movie production company of screen writer Remi Tomsa formed to produce his first two projects ''Mariano'' and ''A swim in Paradise''. The venture was created after the inevitable reality that arises today in the larger than ever competition in the Cinema industry came to play . The only and best way to make your own material is to make your own industry in ''the industry''.
''My mission ,now after studying Cinema for a decade and letting it change me from the first movie I saw ,is to do it justice and be the same great artist as my heroes in Cinema '' . Remi Tomsa .
Is there a point for anything in this life ? Is it worth to even try anything ? We decide that for ourselves and live with our decision to our last moment . Why would anybody make movies ? Because ,either they love the Art form or they have something to say to the World . Colored Dots does it because they love Cinema.